Signposting, Services and Resources for Individuals and Organisations
There are a range of services available providing support to people at risk of suicide, people experiencing bereavement after suicide and people supporting others who are at risk of suicide.
Local Support Services
Local Support Services
Islington Council Mental Health Support
A range of resources for Islington residents seeking to understand or find support for their mental health and wellbeing
Camden Council Mental Health and Wellbeing
A range of resources for Camden residents seeking to understand or find support for their mental health and wellbeing
Camden and Islington NHS Trust – Mental Health Services
NHS provider of mental health and substance misuse services to people living in Camden and Islington, including crisis support: Crisis Line
Camden Mental Health Directory
Easily searchable directory of mental health services in Camden and Islington, filterable by a range of mental health problems.
The Listening Place Free, sustained, face to face support, by appointment, for those who feel life is no longer worth living.
James’s Place Charity providing intensive support for men in a suicidal crisis via self-referrals or health practitioner referrals, including links to immediate support.
NCL Support after Suicide Service Support for people bereaved or impacted by suicide in Camden and Islington, including 121 services and peer support groups.
Children and Young People’s Social, Emotional and Mental Health Services – Islington Resources for those concerned about the mental health, social or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person in Islington.
Camden Rise – Children and Young People Resources for those concerned about about the mental health, social or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person in Camden.
Kooth A supportive online mental health community for young people, including articles, discussion forums and resources for daily mental health journalling.
National Support Services
General Services
Samaritans is a charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. They have a free 24-hour phone line on 116 123. You can visit their website for more information.
Sane is a mental health charity that works to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness. Sane helpline from 4:30 – 10:30pm daily on 0300 304 7000. Sane also provides email and personal messaging support services.
Rethink is a charity providing peer support groups and practical advice on topics relating to living with mental illness, among other services. Call the advice line between 9:30am – 4:00pm on 0808 801 0525. You can visit their website for more information.
NHS Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help: An NHS resource that asks a few questions to help find the right helpline to support with an individual circumstance.
Children and Young People
Papyrus is a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. They provide confidential advice and support to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide and anyone supporting or worried about a young person through their helpline 0800 068 4141. You can visit their website for more information.
Young Minds is a charity working to support children and young people with managing and improving their mental health, as well as helping those who work with children better support them.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) is a national charity with local support groups run by volunteers bereaved by suicide. They provide support groups, a helpline (0300 111 5065 – 9am to 9pm Mon to Fri) and an email service. You can visit their website for more information.
Male Suicide
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is a male suicide prevention charity who provide support for men in the UK. You can visit their website for more information.
Resources for Individuals
These resources may help anyone who might be personally at risk or concerned about others.
Stay alive app A pocket suicide prevention resource, providing support to individuals having thoughts of suicide or who are concerned about others who made be at risk.
Help is at Hand Support Guide A detailed guide offering support and information for those who have lost someone to suicide, or who know someone who has been bereaved by suicide.
Resources for Organisations
These resources are intended to support organisations looking to implement a programme of suicide awareness and prevention within their working practices.
Suicide Prevention Toolkit – Business in the Community Toolkit helping professionals identify staff members who may be at risk of suicide and providing practical advice on how to deal with a crisis situation.
Samaritans Guidelines for Managing Self-Harm and Suicide Risk Online Detailed guidance to organisations and individuals responsible for creating online content relevant to suicide and self-harm.
Local Suicide Prevention Planning: A Practical Resource Detailed national guidance for organisations developing local suicide prevention plans, with step-by-step information.