Quality of service
Islington Mind is committed to providing a quality of service that anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of service users, workers and other stakeholders.
The organisation is committed to systematically collect and analyse performance information on everything it does and achieves. We will use such information to identify strengths, make improvements and plan changes within the organisation.
View our impact report 2021-2022
Islington Mind has been awarded the Mind Quality Mark 2021-24

The Mind Quality Mark is a rigorous quality assurance standard. It sets the bar of good practice and legal compliance for all organisations in the Mind Federation.
Once every three years, local Minds are reviewed against the Mind Quality Mark standards. The reviews are led by people with lived experience of mental health problems and senior leaders from other local Minds. They are based on a robust assessment of documentary evidence as well as interviews with and survey responses from trustees, staff, volunteers, and people who use services.
To achieve the Mind Quality Mark, local Minds must be well-run organisations delivering safe, life-changing support for people with mental health problems.
Islington Mind clearly states how its trustees are accountable and how they carry out their responsibilities and duties appropriately. The trustees understand their legal and personal responsibilities as well as the legal powers and duties of the charity.
Planning and Policy Development
Islington Mind has a clear statement of its mission and purpose and the service it offers. Our Business plan indicates how we will meet our aims and objectives and operate a cycle for developing, renewing and improving such plans. Islington Mind is committed to continuous reviews of all policies, practice and procedures.
To achieve our purpose and mission, we decide and plan in advance the objectives and activities we will pursue in order to implement the values to which we are committed.
Financial Management and Resources
Good financial management depends on effective financial controls being in place. Islington Mind has in place systems for monitoring and control of finances and budgets and for reporting these. These systems set out key elements for the effective management of financial resources taking into account the legal responsibilities for the organisation and trustees as well as accountability to stakeholders.
Islington Mind is committed to ensuring that good practice is achieved with regard to the control of finances. We strive to meet and demonstrate that we meet all legal requirements and accountability for our income and expenditure.
Budgeting and Reporting
Islington Mind has a clear financial strategy. Financial information is used to inform planning and decision making and assists management to improve and develop services.
People Management
This standard applies to all categories of people who work for Islington Mind, whether they are paid, unpaid, full-time, part-time or sessional workers.
Islington Mind is committed to:
- Providing clear and effective management to the people it employs. This enables the organisation to achieve its aims.
- Ensuring that our policies, procedures and practices meet legal requirements and follow recognised good practice.
Training and Development
Islington Mind is committed to ensuring that all workers have been trained appropriately for their responsibilities.
Training and development are shaped both by Islington Mind’s responsibility to the individual and by our current and future needs.
Health and Safety
Islington Mind is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment.
As an organisation, we are committed to meeting legal requirements in:
- Health and Safety
- Fire Safety
- First Aid
- Environmental Health
- Food safety and Food Hygiene.
Islington Mind is committed to implementing effective systems for receiving, recording, storing, maintaining and disseminating information essential to our work, services and planned action.
User Involvement
Such standards in this quality area cover the involvement by Islington Mind’s service users in various aspects of our activities.
Effective user involvement provides tangible benefits. It results in development, learning and change for Islington Mind service users, staff and the organisation as a whole.
Islington Mind will ensure that:
- Our policy on user involvement is put into practice.
- Our service users are actively involved in the management of our organisation.
User Involvement in Governance
Islington Mind ensures that people who have used mental health services have the right to take part in the governance and decision making of the organisation.
Islington Mind actively supports and encourages service users to do so through recruitment to the Management Committee, participation in day centre meetings and Project sub-committees/ advisory groups.
Planning and Policy Development
Islington Mind is committed to providing resources and facilities that encourage and support service users to have an active role in the delivery of services.
User Involvement in Information Provision
Islington Mind is committed to working with service users to provide clear and accessible information for all stakeholders.
Recruitment and Selection
Islington Mind provides resources and opportunities to involve service users in the recruitment and selection of workers and trustees on all our personnel recruitment panels..
Equality and Diversity
Islington Mind is committed to promoting equality and diversity and to:
- Ensuring that we reflect and respond to the diversity of the community in which we operate.
- Providing and delivering accessible services.
- Practising equal opportunities in all areas.
- Providing opportunities for all parts of the community to participate in the management and delivery of services.
Access to Services
For each project and service we provide, Islington Mind sets out who it is for and how it can be accessed. All our services and information about them are available to any eligible individual.
Islington Mind practises Equal Opportunities in the delivery of all its services.
Islington Mind practices Equal Opportunities and addresses diversity in he recruitment and selection of all its workers and trustees.
People Management
Islington Mind practises Equal Opportunities and addresses diversity in the management of workers.
Networking and Partnerships
Islington Mind is an active participant in the Mind network.
We are aware of and maintain contact with local groups and organisations that have an active interest in mental health issues.