The CovidRecovery Enablement Service aims to address mental health and wellbeing challenges triggered by the Covid19 pandemic, and to help reduce hospitalisation and health crises.
Through a target-oriented programme, service users are supported to access basic needs such as food, finance and community connections – improving their financial security and social networks, tackling isolation, exclusion, and loneliness, maintaining physical and mental wellbeing, with a focus on building self-management, resilience and independence.
How do I access this service?
Our ICT training service offers help to all who need it, allowing all service users to access the technology and digital skills essential to staying connected under the “new normal” conditions.
We accept referrals from anyone who is an Islington resident and experiences mental health problems, who feels that the impact of Covid19 left them struggling and in need of additional support.
Please email or use the referral form if you know anyone who would benefit from our support.
We are always looking for volunteers, so do get in touch if you are interested.

This project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund in response to the short and long-term implications of the Covid19 crisis on vulnerable communities.
Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund for making this project possible.