Emergency Support

If you are feeling suicidal

Crisis Team: 0800 917 3333

CALM – Telephone and webchat for people feeling suicidal, open 5pm – midnight all year round. Phone 0800 58 58 58

The Listening Place – Fortnightly face-to-face support from trained volunteers for people feeling suicidal. Phone 020 3906 7676

Samaritans – Freephone: 116 123

If you are experiencing domestic violence

Refuge – Phone lines open 24 hours a day. Freephone: 0808 2000 247

Rape Crisis – Phone lines open 12.00-2.30pm and 7.00-9.30pm every day of the year. Freephone: 0808 802 9999

Solace Women’s Aid – Free advice and support. Freephone: 0808 802 5565

Respect Men’s Advice Line. Freephone: 0808 801 0327

Women’s Aid – One-to-one support and online forum

Respect – Telephone support for perpetrators of DV. Freephone: 0808 802 4040

Silent Solution – 999, cough or tap handset, then when prompted press 55 to be put through to the police

Survivor’s Trust – For men who have experienced rape or sexual abuse. Freephone: 0808 801 0818

ICAP – Immigrant Counselling & Psychotherapy for the Irish community. Phone 020 7272 7906

Abuse Never Becomes Us – Support for survivors of abuse in the Tamil community. Email ask@anbu.org.uk

MOSAC – Support for non-abusive parents and carers whose children have experienced sexual abuse. Freephone: 0800 980 1958

Male Survivors Partnership – Telephone support Monday to Saturday and online chat. Freephone: 08088 005 005