Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We celebrate diversity and aim to create opportunities to work with and learn from people from under-represented communities. 

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy


Challenging Inequalities Self-Assessment Toolkit

Progressing Equality Through Mental Health Commissioning and Mental Health Service Delivery

This document was authored by Islington’s Inequalities Subgroup of the All Age Mental Health Partnership Board in August 2021. It contains evidence and expertise from our various partners on how those involved in mental health in Islington can work together to address the inequalities that we know continue to exist in service delivery.

Challenging Inequalities Self-Assessment Toolkit – LGBTQI+

For Improving Access to Mental Health Services

Following the chapter on race and ethnicity, this document was launched in 2024 to support organisations to increase access and inclusivity for LGBTQI+ community, guided by specialist services mostly operating in London.