Our Mental Health Recovery Pathway service provides open-access day services opportunities for Islington residents who experience mental distress
Mental Health Recovery Pathway
The Mental Health Recovery Pathway service provides specialist mental health support to people facing mental health concerns, helping them develop self-management strategies, build resilience, and live fulfilling lives in a community of their choice.
We support people with and without mental health diagnoses who struggle with their mental health or wellbeing.
The service is available to Islington residents or people who are registered with an Islington GP surgery, and we accept referrals from individuals aged 18 and over.
The Mental Health Recovery Pathway includes:
Short-term one-to-one support for practical and emotional issues
Open access communal space and peer support at our day centres
Therapeutic wellbeing and upskilling group activities including art and music
Accessible exercise activities
Events and day trips
Life skills workshops
Specialist groups for LGBTQI+ people and young people